Does anyone have any clips explaining whats going on with Cornwood, the mayor, LSPD and whatnot? (2025)

Its a massive story that really dates back to nearly a month ago, I’ll try to lay out the whole timeline.

Part 1: Johnson and Mr K: it starts with an incident with Mr. K getting arresting and charged with possession of a PD gun. Officer Johnson was one of the responding officers which Mr. K believed wronged him in relation to the incident, so Mr. K merced him in his car near the VU (vanilla unicorn) hobo camp next to the gas station. Johnson, mad at K but unable to prove he shot him, went and started shit with Mr K at the cul di sac. They got into a fight where Johnson threw the first punch and beat down Mr. K. Johnson would later be fired for this incident due to him trying to save face and lying about the incident. Slacks fired him outright without issuing any DAPs.

Part 2: Bad Pit by Officer Shiesty: Johnson gets super depressed and Mr K. and Ramee who still has a law license, inform Slacks that they will sue the PD for wrongful termination, as Mr K. lies about the incident to try and get Johnson rehired. Johnson in the meantime sets up a giveaway at the same hobo camp where he originally got shot by Mr K. Here, he is giving away all his stuff cause he essentially wants to commit die after being fired. 2 random civillians come and talk to him. Meanwhile, a persuit with Peanut is happening and Officer Shiest, who has permission to PIT, PITs Peanut and he magically flies and hits Johnson only, nearly killing him instantly. Johnson is put in the ICU. The captains see a potential problem regarding the threat of legation and Johnson getting nearly killed by an Officer. Cpt. Ruth seems to force Cpt. Slack’s hand and give Shiesty a DAP for the incident despite him having permission to do it by a senior. With Shiesty sitting at 9/10 DAP points, he gets his last DAP and is put on indefinite suspension. The captains previously agreed the first person to get 10 DAPs would be “made an example of”, and Ruth pushes his firing. In the end, Shiesty gets fired with an invitation to rejoin the next academy and become a cadet.

Part 3: Enter Cletus Cornwood: Cornwood, having 2 of his close friends getting fired from the PD with a week or two of each other. He starts putting the captains on blast, specifically Slacks since he is the only one around most of the time. Shiesty is bored one day and since he is not allowed to be a cop until next academy, decides to make a 1-life character and go out and get killed by the cops. Cornwood, OOC identifying that the character was likely a 1-life character being played by his friend, decided to give him an awesome and fun send off by mag dumping him twice, calling a cease fire, and then walking up and shooting him once in the chest for Sam Baas. This ends up getting Cornwood 5 DAPs and since he already had 5 DAPs, he gets indefinitely suspended. The captains decide to hold off any potential use of force charges against Cornwood, until they have his suspension reviewed at a later date.

Part 4: Enter Mayor: The mayor is coincidentally, working on a legislation with Chief Justice Crane to bring reform to the PD. This is because there is almost no cops patrolling at any given time, and people are being kidnapped straight from the town hall and there is no response at all. The mayor then hears one of the most hard working and effective cops, Cornwood, has been suspended. The mayor cuddles up to Cornwood, and decides to invite the 3 captains to a private meeting to discuss the new legislative changes. The mayor does a really bad job explaining the new laws, but the jist is the new laws would clearly establish the city council as above the PD in authority with the PD being under the direct control of the mayor. It would also assign an investigatory body to find out why the hiring and retention rates for cops suck, and try to establish budget increases to the PD in connection to the changes that come forth from the investigation. The law would also establish a Police Chief selected by the mayor who would provide oversight over the captains.

Back to the meeting, the captains see this as a hostile takeover as they spend their entire days sniffing and complimenting each other’s farts. Ruth during the meeting and infront of the mayor, suggested to the other captains that they could just “vote to overthrow the city council” if the legislation passed. This infuriated the mayor who accused her with aspiring to commit treason and cussed them out of his office. The captains in turn start planning and scheming ways that they could get the mayor out of office and preserve their power over the PD. The next day, the city council gets together and passes the police reform legislation 5 to 3. Slacks promises to the mayor that he would get an apology from Ruth for her comments (he hasn’t received it and probably wont). Chief Justice Crane also interjected with the treason charge saying that Ruth couldn’t be found guilty of it from the facts present to him, but he later admits that he only said that to try4 and mediate and calm the verbal fights between the captains and the mayor.

Part 5: Cornwood’s PD Review: Now we get to the current events. Cornwood gets invited to give testimony to the captains in regards to his suspension from the PD. He admits that he used excessive force but it was more of a secluded event. He also notes that Officer Knight lied about another incident that got him a DAP and gives other testimony that illustrates that he really cares about doing a good job at the PD. Cornwood leaves the meeting and is told to expect a result in 24 hours or so. Immediately after, Ruth goes for the kill by demanding he gets fired. Slacks is doing his best to defend Cornwood, but his mostly ignored with the 2 senior officers joining on in the meeting (both from Ruth’s shift, surprise surprise) agreeing with their captain and recommending firing Cornwood. The incident with the mayor snooping around the PD and cozying up the Cornwood pushes Slacks to compromise. With a 24 hour deadline to give Cornwood a result, they decided they would pass the excessive force incidednt, where Cornwood shot a downed suspect for Sam Baas, to an independent prosecutor to see if there are any suitable charges to bring. That way, they can charge him and have him indefinitely suspended following the outcome of the charge. If he gets found guilty, they can fire him without having to worry about backlash from the mayor, because they know they will get immediately fired by the mayor if they decided to fire Cornwood outright.

They immediately run into trouble finding a prosecutor because they are all conflicted because everyone likes Cornwood. Eventually they find one, a lawyer named Arthur, who suggests a line of charges which could theoretically stick since a straight murder charge will 100% fail. They then try to invite Cornwood to the station for questioning. Cornwood invites his legal council which includes the Mayors wife. He also brings Mr. K. The mayor’s wife brings the mayor. Mr. K. brings Ramee, Carmine and Bobby Charles for shits and gigs. The incident where they scream and fight back at the idea of Cornwood getting charged for murder happens. Cornwood mentions that in a PD announcement Ruth invited any cop to arrest her for treason if they or a prosecutor found probable cause. Slacks then agrees and invites any lawyer at that public meeting to prosecute Ruth. Half of them orgasm immediately at the thought and Ramee, who has his license suspecded, is likely dying inside knowing he missed the opportunity to put her in jail. The mayor jumps on the opportunity in an instant and snatches up the best lawyers they can find that aren’t already conflicted to try and prosecute Ruth. Ramee then snatches up the prosecutor that won against Mr K. in the appeal to the gun charge that was mentioned in part 1 for his own appeal to get back his law license. Slacks OOC is incredibly frustrated as he struggles to find legal council to try and prosecute Saint Cornwood, as everyone is taken. Arthur who originally suggested the charges against Cornwood heard about the treason allegations and immediately wanted out. He in turn jumped ship and is now working with Cornwood and the mayor’s office for a potential negligent prosecution case against the captains. Since the captains are clearly trying to prosecute Cornwood for politics and not in search for justice. And thats pretty much it.

There are a couple more hidden events like Ramee offering to plant PD guns on members of the council who voted against the police reform act. But overall it is incredible to see how this entire thing has evolved from some gang beef to the mayor and the city waging war against some corrupt captains. Or a mayors hostile takeover of the PD in the name of police reform. You can spin it both ways.

Except Ruth. Shes evil in every interpretation.

edit: grammer cause big post takes time to proof read.

Does anyone have any clips explaining whats going on with Cornwood, the mayor, LSPD and whatnot? (2025)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.